After the success of the past edition, “Festarch 2012” thanks to the commitment of General Prefabbricati Spa, one of the most important events of world architecture once again has come to Umbria. The Festival shall transform Perugia into the epicentre of architecture and reflections on the future of our urban societies as “cities in the city”.
Meetings with architects, artists and thinkers of the world scene, in continuous dialogue with the world of business, professions and school, will be held for four days in the most representative squares and locations of Perugia.
The fourth edition of Festarch 2012 will address the theme ‘Cities in the city’.
Initially ignored and then later condemned, the informal settlements that are today extended all over the world – the only place where migratory flows are absorbed – the “cities in the city” are the product of maximum exploited space with the least economic investment and faithfully reflect the forms of association of those who live there.
The challenge of Festarch 2012 is to understand the logic of this self-managed fabric and identify a model of the third millennium metropolis adhering to reality.