The Tour Granite was built in 2008 to complement the Alicante and Chassagne towers, constructed in the mid-1980s, to make up the headquarters of the French Societe Generale bank. Edil Beton Perugia provided and laid SFloor raised technical flooring for all the towers on all three operations, a total of 60,000 square metres on the Granite tower and over 80,000 on the Alicante and Chassagne towers. The Tour Granite is 183 metres high, currently the fourth highest building in the Defense. It is a fifth-generation tower compliant with HQE standards (Haute Qualité Environnementale – High environmental quality) and is equipped with technologies that allow great energy savings, also thanks to the use of the SFloor technical floor. The building, like all the Defense towers, is IGH classified (immeuble de grande hauteur – high rise building) and as such is NF certified Bâtiment tertiaire-démarche HQE (Certification Standard of Tertiary Buildings HQE).